Well, this goat sure earned his name! On Wednesday morning when we left for Andrew and Kristen Vary's farm in Iowa, the forecast was calling for light snow Wednesday night and Thursday morning. Thursday when we woke up, the forecast had changed to blizzard conditions across all of Iowa. 11 hours to get out there, 31 to make it home! John Snow showed his true Kikoness in being hardy, The 31 hour drive did not phase him one bit as he ran off the trailer and started eating hay right away.
TNT Y408 "John Snow" is a Resistol son from Troy Lohman's TNT farm in Butler Illinois. He was the 1st pick in Troy's 2019 on farm sale. John Snow's Dam is TNT Keeley's Best, the top doe of her class on TNT farm.
We are excited for next years breeding season as John Snow will be our main herd sire. He is known as a doe maker, so we plan to keep several of his daughters back over the next few years to better our herd.